CEE puts DEI focus on action and tracking progress

Mar 10, 2022
DEI strategies at CEE

As a nonprofit with decades of experience in energy efficiency, CEE has built a reputation for data-informed learning, meaningful collaboration, practical solutions that drive permanent change. No surprise, 我们在公平和包容方面的做法与这一核心组织身份是一致的. 

Our Diversity, Equity, DEI委员会由10名申请参加的工作人员组成, plus three permanent role-based members: CEE’s president, HR director, communications director. At its core, the council exists to:

  1. 支持实施与包容性招聘相关的组织优先事项, program impact, staff trainings, more;
  2. 与领导小组、员工议会和其他部门合作,跟踪DEI的举措;
  3. 通知我们的员工和董事会正在进行的DEI活动和进展;
  4. 作为指导和实际帮助的来源,提供资源和演讲嘉宾.

Importantly, although the Council supports, tracks, reports on initiatives, this work takes place throughout CEE. Complementary efforts emerge from operations, programs, communications, learning, culture-building, more. 在核心价值观的指引下,我们的进步反映并需要每个人的共同努力和意愿.

As our DEI Council closed out its first year in late 2021, 我们与全体员工分享了相关公司行动和进展的概述. 现在, 这是中东欧承诺提高包容性战略透明度的一部分, 我们提供这篇公开帖子是为了强调我们在做什么,以及为什么它与我们的工作如此相关. This post covers activities from fall 2020 through fall 2021.


运营团队是推动整个公司进步的强大力量. Of CEE’s 160 employees, 我们中近20%的人主要通过财务来支持办公室的运作, accounting, compliance, office operations and administration, IT, human resources, communications.

Helping lead the way, our DEI Council drives and supports organizational action, as well as providing resources and reporting. Among our practices, CEE引入了承包商采购表格和供应商调查, 两者都旨在鼓励与日益多样化的供应商签订合同.

While developing annual workplans, 要求整个公司的团队在适用的情况下确定对dei有影响的重点. 我们还制定了新的做法,鼓励以中欧委员会为主导的多样化和无障碍的网络研讨会和活动. 公司还向员工提供信息和指导,让他们在电子邮件签名中自愿分享自己的代词, their professional bios, Zoom handles.

Guided by Human Resources, CEE’s jobs page, postings, 所有的标准都是为了吸引优秀和多样化的候选人而设计的. After new colleagues are onboard, 年度绩效评估和调查有助于我们记录员工对包容性的看法. 公平的年度薪酬筛选进一步为我们的预算和薪酬框架提供信息.

令人高兴的是,我们在包容性招聘方面取得了进展,以加强我们的团队. Among our new hires in the past year, more than 50% self-identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color, CEE’s BIPOC staff now represent about 18% of the full company. 这包括11%的CEE主管和13%的我们的领导小组,他们自认为是BIPOC. 靠谱的外围竞猜app half of CEE’s supervisors are women.

Organizational culture and engagement

In 2019, CEE identified equity as a core organizational value, crucial to achieve our vision for a healthy, carbon-neutral economy that works for all people. 支持共同理解,鼓励文化意识和同理心, we program quarterly guest speakers, informal breakout sessions, other company learning.

我们的内部通讯“Watt’s Up”在个人层面上向新员工介绍员工, 旨在促进包容的关系和一般的社区建设. To improve understanding through transparency and programming, DEI理事会发布每次理事会会议的概要,定期分享资源并邀请员工反馈.


CEE的项目是我们参与和支持整个中西部北部不同社区的另一种有意义的方式, especially in Minnesota. Launching this spring, CEE will deliver Xcel Energy’s new Workforce Development program aimed specifically at attracting, training, 并最终将有色人种和女性永久地安置在高质量的清洁能源事业中. (注:该岗位培训项目已于2022年3月按计划启动 graduated its first cohort of trainees in April.)

我们的大部分住宅项目工作都集中在支持资源不足的社区, renters, families living on limited incomes. In partnership with cities and neighborhoods, 我们的商业项目为有机会的靠谱的外围竞猜app家和小靠谱的外围竞猜app提供特别优惠, such as Minneapolis’ “Green Zones.” Across the board, 我们正在努力降低对有色人种和其他被边缘化的明尼苏达州人来说过高的能源成本负担.

我们的项目依赖于建立和加强与具有特定文化背景的社区团体的伙伴关系, minority-led nonprofits, relevant media — building strong relationships to engage, 服务, learn from key communities. Likewise, 我们的城市贷款项目针对老年人和低收入家庭, 包括与边缘化的有色人种群体的重大重叠.

DEI focus areas in 2022

要瓦解我们国家的白人至上文化,需要我们所有人每天都重新思考旧的政策和做法, 用更聪明的方法更新或完全取代它们,有意支持公平和包容. 以上是中欧为改善公司政策而采取的一些具体行动, recruitment tactics, operational practices, program angles, community relationships, more. 这种不断探索和改进的实践对商业和我们的灵魂都有好处.

Because company policies guide spending and hiring, 没有什么比用包容性政策取代以白人为中心的政策更重要了——但普遍的能见度很重要, 太. So, beyond the steps laid out above, CEE’s public DEI statement formalizes our depth of commitment. 官方图像准则旨在促进包容性的公共传播. 通过我们的博客和社交媒体,我们正在努力越来越多地通过DEI的镜头讲述故事.

This year we’ll continue with promising efforts we’ve started, from guest speakers for staff to program tie-ins, an increasingly diverse workforce, supportive operational policies and practices. Additionally, 我们计划安排更严格的培训和其他机会,帮助我们深入研究诸如微侵犯和处理相互冲突的价值观等关键问题. 我们的目标是继续加强我们追踪目标驱动战略的方式,以实现变革.

CEE’s mission success depends on programs, services, 以及一个包容的工作场所,支持所有人实现我们新兴能源系统的经济和健康效益.

We invite community input and suggestions to help shape and improve our DEI approach. We are learning as we go and, as in all things, 我们相信,我们最大的优势来自于利用我们自己团队的智慧,以及我们生活和工作所在社区的全部广度. There’s a lot to do and we’re just getting started.

注:上面的图片包括了一些访问过CEE的优秀演讲嘉宾:从上到下, Vanessa Sheridan, Andre Koen, Jennifer Nguyễn Moore — great insights and discussions, highly recommended!


Related Links

Equity and Inclusion at CEE

Equitable Decarbonization of the Building Sector

CEE's mission and values